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Scottish Country Dancing Instructional Videos with
The Red Thistle Dancers
NEW IN 2020!
Click HERE for details on this latest release!
A selection of 24 social and performance dances choreographed by Red Thistle Dancers founder,
Jennifer Kelly, presented in a booklet, DVD, and two music CDs from Red Thistle Music!
Dances performed by The Red Thistle Dancers

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Developed for both teachers and students of different levels, our instructional videos include detailed narration by Director Jennifer Kelly, beginning and intermediate steps, technique, figures and progressions, all demonstrated in both close-up and overhead views with dancers in a variety of traditional and period costumes. Scroll down for video excerpts and details.
This instructional video series can be purchased as either a DVD or in digital download format. Downloads are immediately available with no shipping costs!
Shipping costs for DVDs, CDs, and printed materials can be estimated by adding items to your shopping bag and beginning the checkout procedure (indicating your shipping destination). Costs are calculated prior to actual payment.
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Scottish Country Dancing Part 1
Fast Tempo:
skip change of step
pas de basque
slip step
Strathspey Tempo:
strathspey traveling step
common schottische or strathspey setting
Both Tempi:
basic foot positions and linking of steps
turns with one or two hands
chase in single file
stepping up and down
casting up and off
lead down the middle and up
set and cross over
set and cast off
set and change places
advance and retreat
dance back to back
wheels with the right and left hand
rights and lefts
promenade (see video below)
turn corner partner
grand chain

Scottish Country Dancing Part 2
Highland Setting Steps (see video below)
coupé pas de basque
Glasgow Highlanders setting step
Glasgow Highlanders ladies' version
Figures of Eight:
right and left shoulder up and down the set
across the set
double figure of eight
Reels of Three
Reels of Four
Set and Link
Traveling Pas de Basque, Step and Figures
More Figures using Traveling Pas de Basque
Figures using Skip Change of Step:
non progressive
ladies chain
turn corner pass partner
Figures using Strathspey Setting Step:
all round poussette
half poussette
Highland Schottische
set to corners and partners - "hello and goodbye setting"
Four hands across in a wheel
The Knot
The Rondel
The Tournée
The Targe
Scottish Country Dance Teachers : If you are contemplating expanding into demonstrations or performance, the videos and companion materials include specially composed, crowd-pleasing medleys and expert suggestions to give your demonstration team a professional and polished look, with hints and tips for every aspect of performance, including ideas for:
transitions between medleys
You can have everything you need to move into demonstration and performance to spread the culture and enjoyment of Scottish Country Dancing!

Highland Setting Steps in Country Dance

Overview Trailer

We are happy to answer any special inquiries about our products.
Please feel free to contact us.
Scroll down for more ideas and reviews or browse our site for links to useful resources for dancers and teachers.
Why Use Instructional Videos?
Every one of us remembers the challenges of learning to dance. The excitement of finally understanding and being able to execute a challenging step or piece of choreography is one of the thrills of Scottish Country Dancing.
Imagine being able to improve your technique after a very short time. Or picture being able to finally clarify that puzzling progression or timing that you almost have mastered, but the memory of which fades a bit outside of dance class.
Learn new figures, review the timing of a challenging dance element, and be ready and confident for your next class or dance!
Enjoy instant access to a master class level series at home and be able to review and analyze steps, figures, and progressions as many times as you like at your own leisure and convenience.
And because you can choose what you would like to learn or review, it's like having your own personal dance teacher at home!
Who are these videos for?
Beginning and intermediate dancers wishing to improve technique or gain a better understanding of the steps and figures will appreciate the clear instruction, breakdown of steps and positions, and detailed explanation of technique, pointers and progressions.
Advanced dancers and Scottish Country Dance teachers can use this series to assist and encourage enthusiastic newer or intermediate dancers by making this video series for their class or branch library as a reference.
Use our special supporting videos and materials to help transform your class or group into a confident demonstration or performance team!

"Won't you Join the dance?"
Scottish Country Dancing, a lifelong pursuit and joy